I Thought You'd Never Ask
As unbelievable as it may seem, I Thought You'd Never Ask is a memoir about growing up, as a young black person, in Richmond and Vancouver, British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec in the 70's, 80's and 90's.
Here are some photographs that relate to the scenes from the book (from top, left to right). Myra at three or four years old, already loving reading. Myra, Muriel, Malcolm and American cousins Hallie and Ginger Smith. Bermudian cousin JD, Muriel and Myra on a summer visit to Bermuda. Myra and Muriel beside the infamous double tenor. A performance of The Jets - Myra, Theresa and Lori accompanied by of the guys. Leroy does the balancing baby act with Malcolm. Cover of commemoration of Jackie Robinson in Montreal. Lefroy's steel band at a performance. Cover of the coveted 'The Wiz".